Holland Ridge Tulip Farms in NJ, April 2023. Shot with a Yashica 635 Medium Format TLR on Kodak Gold 200.

It never ceases to amaze me just how much detail you can resolve from a 120mm negative. I'm currently scanning my film with a 36MP D800 from 2012, meaning these scans are limited to the resolution of that camera. I have no doubts, however, that I could get much more resolution from these scans with a more modern digital camera.

The dynamic range of Kodak Gold 200 also surprised me. As you can see in the photos, there is plenty of detail in both the foreground and in the sky, which is difficult to achieve without gradient filters, or some editing in post to change exposure levels of the different areas of the photo. I wouldn't have expected this from film, but I equate it to the natural compression you get in music recording when you drive an analog signal at a high gain. The "distortion" that you get is much more aesthetically pleasant than with a digital signal chain.

Thanks to my wife and kids for perpetually being the subject of my photos 😊