I love visiting home for the holidays; extended family all around, tons of food, and getting to revisit places that I grew up in. The problem is, I tend not to leave the house much while I'm down at the shore, and as a result, I grow restless in proportion to my waist size.

Looking down toward Ventnor from AC
Camera f-stop ISO Exposure
Fuji X100v f/3.2 160 1/900

Luckily, there happens to be - what I consider - one of the more beautiful beaches just down the street from my childhood home. That makes it quite convenient to catch a beautiful sunset while taking in some fresh air.

Camera f-stop ISO Exposure
1 Fuji X100V f/3.2 320 1/550
2 Fuji X100V f/2 320 1/1,700
3 Fuji X100V f/3.2 320 1/320
4 Fuji X100V f/3.2 320 1/250

I've been enjoying shooting a lot of film lately, but it is also convenient having a digital everyday-carry as compact as the X100v. For such a small camera, it really does a great job in a lot of different lighting conditions. I also don't treat shooting with it as seriously; I tend to shoot JPEG only with the camera, rather than RAW, though the files still leave enough headroom to do light editing.

Camera f-stop ISO Exposure
1 Fuji X100V f/2.5 160 1/320
2 Fuji X100V f/2.5 160 1/250
3 Fuji X100V f/2.2 160 1/250
4 Fuji X100V f/2.2 160 1/125

Having a small fixed-lens camera also limits your options, which speeds up decision making. You don't need to think about what lenses to pack for a shoot if you aren't able to change them. There aren't many ways to compose a shot if you can't zoom. While I may wish I had certain lenses in some scenarios, I also understand that I probably wouldn't have a camera on me in the first place if the only option was to bring my large camera bag.

A "beach unprotected" sign that has seen better days
Camera f-stop ISO Exposure
Fuji X100V f/2.2 160 1/160

I also shot a roll of Kodak Gold 200 on my beach excursion. It will be interesting to contrast the shots against the modern camera when I'm able to develop these back at my house. Subscribe to see that post in the future - I pretty sure that feature works here now!